Application GuidelinesThe Garden Club of Santa Barbara will consider projects that are in line with the Garden Club of America's purpose: to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through programs and actions in the fields of conservation, civic improvement and education. The following categories will be given priority when assessing projects: plant material, irrigation, hardscape, labor and education. Consideration also will be given to an organization's willingness and ability to provide ongoing maintenance of a project. Eligibility CriteriaOrganizations certified as tax exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and classified as "not a private foundation" under Section 509(a) are eligible for funding. Funding AmountGrant amounts typically range from $1,000 - $5,000. TimelineAll proposals are due to the Projects Committee for review by February 15, and award notifications will be made in mid-May. ApplicationIn your request for funds, please describe the project, including benefits to the community. Please don't exceed two pages. Attach plants lists if applicable and a detailed project budget. Submit any supporting documentation e.g. site map, landscape plan, photos, videos, etc. Applicants will be notified if the Projects Committee requires further information. At times, a site visit or interview will be scheduled prior to the club making its final decision. Please send your request to: The Garden Club of Santa Barbara c/o Tisha Jones 2840 East Valley Road Santa Barbara, CA 93108 |